How long does it take to harvest chili peppers?

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For pepper growers, knowing when is the best time to harvest chili peppers,
And how long it takes for peppers to be harvested from planting to harvest is a very important question.
Next, let’s take a look at the specific factors that affect pepper harvest time.

Chili pepper growth cycle

Peppers are a heat-tolerant crop that generally prefers warm climates and full sunlight.
The growth cycle of peppers varies depending on the variety.
But generally, it takes about 70 to 90 days from sowing to pepper maturity.
The growth cycle of pepper includes sowing and germination, seedling stage, growth stage, fruiting stage and maturity stage.
The specific time to harvest chili peppers will vary depending on pepper varieties, cultivation conditions, climate and other factors.

ANON harvest chili peppers

The maturity time of peppers is mainly affected by the variety. Early-maturing varieties have a short maturity time.
Late maturing varieties take a long time to mature.
Generally speaking, the ripening time of peppers can be divided into the following stages:
Sowing and germination (7-14 days): Maintain appropriate humidity and temperature to allow seeds to germinate quickly.
Seedling stage (20-45 days): In the early stage, sufficient sunlight and water must be provided, as well as appropriate fertilization.
Growth period (40-60 days): During this stage, regular watering and weeding are required.
And perform necessary pruning and topping to promote healthy plant development.
Fruiting period (30-50 days): Small pepper varieties generally begin to bear fruit in about 30 days, while large pepper varieties may take longer.
Maturity period (60-90 days): The time when pepper fruits turn red or mature depends on the variety. After the fruit is fully ripe, it can be harvested.

When to harvest chili peppers

After the pepper matures, the fruit changes from green to red, yellow or purple.
When the fruit hardens and the stem dries, it is ready for harvest.
The time to harvest chili peppers is generally in summer. After the fruits are mature, they should be picked in time to avoid fruit drop.

ANON harvest chili peppers

Here are a few indicators that can help you determine if a pepper is ripe:
Color: The fruit gradually changes from green to bright red, yellow or other ripe colors, depending on the pepper variety.
Size: The fruit reaches the expected size, for example, the fruit length of a certain variety reaches more than 10 cm.
Texture: Fruit becomes smooth, with thin, shiny skin and no obvious disease or damage.
Be careful when harvest chili peppers to avoid damaging the fruit.
Generally, peppers can be harvested in one go or in batches.
Finally, growing techniques can also affect harvest time.
Reasonable dense planting, water and fertilizer management can promote the rapid maturity of peppers;
Sparse planting and lack of fertilizer will delay the harvest period.

Notes on harvest chili peppers

When harvesting peppers, you should pay attention to the following points:
Choose sunny days for harvesting and avoid rainy days to prevent peppers from rotting.
When harvesting, handle them with care to avoid bruising the peppers.
Grading should be done promptly after harvesting to separate mature peppers from immature peppers.

ANON harvest chili peppers

Choose the right variety: Choose the right chilli variety based on local climate conditions and needs.
Suitable sowing time: Peppers are generally sown in spring, and the sowing time should be determined according to local climate conditions.
Reasonable planting density: The planting density of peppers should be determined according to the variety and cultivation method.
Suitable soil conditions: Peppers are suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well-drained soil.
Adequate supply of water and fertilizer: Chili peppers require sufficient water and nutrients to grow.
Pest and disease control: Peppers are susceptible to pests and diseases, so pest control should be done well.
These things are very important for subsequent harvest chili peppers.

By understanding the growth cycle and optimal harvest time of peppers,
You can plan your planting plan better and harvest high-quality pepper fruits in the right time.
As you master the growing techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy the delicious taste and satisfaction of fresh, home-grown chili peppers.
I hope the above information can help you better understand the timing of pepper harvesting.
If you need more professional planting advice, you are also welcome to contact us for pepper combine harvesters.
I believe that the ANON platform can provide you with satisfactory solutions.