Facts About Rice: You Need to Know in 2024

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Rice is a common food, but did you know there are many more facts about rice than meets the eye?

In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of rice, uncovering insights from agricultural experts.

Get ready to discover some interesting facts! Are you ready to learn more? Let’s begin!

facts about rice

What is Rice?

Rice consists mainly of two parts: rice husks and grains. The husk is a slightly hard outer shell wrapping around the grains. Each rice grain can be divided into parts such as the rice bran layer, embryo, and endosperm.

Today, rice has become a staple food worldwide, with various rice products catering to different regional tastes. These are all facts about rice, let’s learn more now!

Why is Rice Important?

While rice is indeed a common food, its significance goes far beyond its ubiquity. Understanding these essential facts about rice is crucial!

Rice is the source of life

Rice is the staple food in both low-income and middle-income countries. The most widely consumed staple food among over 50% of the world’s population is rice, especially in Asia.

People can enjoy rice in many ways – steamed or cooked as a standalone dish, or combined with different ingredients to create delicious meals. Rice plays a critical role in sustaining human life, making it an indispensable food source.

facts about rice

Rice is an economic support

Rice is an important crop in the global economy and the second largest grain crop in terms of yield. Additionally, it serves as the main source of income for more than one billion farmers. Given these facts about rice, its impact on the economy is significant.

Rice is beneficial for physical health

It is free of sodium and cholesterol, contains minimal fat, and serves as a vital source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential nutrients that provide energy to the body, enhance brain function, and lower the risk of heart disease.

What are Scientific Facts about Rice?

The scientific name of rice is Oryza sativa, and it’s the most common variety worldwide. Around 8500 years ago, humans in the middle and lower regions of the Yangtze River began consuming rice as a food crop.

Rice can thrive in almost any part of the world, excluding Antarctica. While it is cultivated extensively, most rice cultivation occurs in submerged fields. Presently, there are approximately 120,000 rice varieties, each possessing unique characteristics. There are also many colors of rice, such as purple, white, and red.

China and India hold the top positions as rice producers on a global scale. They contribute significantly to the world’s rice production. Meanwhile, Thailand and the United States are major exporters of rice, distributing rice to various parts of the world. Conversely, the Philippines and Iran are notable importers of rice, relying on imports to meet their domestic rice demands.

Rice serves as a vital source of carbohydrates, which can stimulate serotonin production in the brain. Serotonin, in turn, enhances mood, resulting in a sense of happiness. These facts about rice have garnered support from scientific studies and are widely acknowledged.

facts about rice

Interesting Facts about Rice

In this section, you will learn some facts about rice. These insights will broaden your understanding of rice, showing that it is more than just a food item. 

Facts about Rice of Consuming

  • All rice you consume undergoes processing. Following shelling, the resulting yellow rice is termed brown rice. In contrast, rice that has been ground and polished transforms into white rice. Although brown rice offers superior nutritional value, white rice is preferred for its taste.
  • Rice can undergo processing to create a variety of foods. It can be ground into flour to produce rice cakes and snacks. Additionally, rice can be fermented to produce rice wine or utilized in brewing.
  • If the storage method is chosen correctly, white rice can have a shelf life of up to 10-30 years. However, brown rice has a shorter shelf life of only 3-6 months.
  • When cooked rice is left at room temperature, bacteria multiply quickly, leading to spoilage. Consuming spoiled rice can result in food poisoning. To prevent this from happening, it is best to only cook the amount that can be eaten. If there are leftovers, refrigerate them promptly, but do not keep them for too long.

Facts about Rice in Daily Life

Rice serves more than just a dietary role, it offers numerous benefits and applications. Check out these interesting facts about rice:

  • Rice serves as a natural desiccant, effectively absorbing moisture. Placing a small packet of rice in a salt shaker prevents salt from becoming damp. Similarly, rice can keep sugar dry. Moreover, it has a preservative effect, storing eggs in rice helps maintain their freshness.
  • Rice can effectively remove ink stains from clothes. If your clothes accidentally get ink on them, rub them with rice grains before the ink dries. Then, rinse the clothes thoroughly with clean water, and the ink stains will be easily removed.
  • If your phone accidentally falls into the water, take it out quickly. Then place the phone in a pile of rice or bury it in a rice bucket to absorb moisture. This method may help save your phone from water damage.
  • Rice can be added to skincare products. Rice contains oryzanol, which is a natural inhibitor of melanin. Inhibiting the formation of melanin to achieve whitening effects. In addition, rice possesses gentle and moisturizing qualities, leaving the skin soft and smooth.

Rice is not only nutritious and delicious but also incredibly versatile in our daily lives. Do you feel like you have gained a deeper appreciation after learning these fun facts about rice?

facts about rice

Facts about White Rice

Earlier, you learned about various facts about rice. This section focuses specifically on white rice. 

During processing, white rice undergoes grinding and polishing. This removes the rice bran and germ, causing some nutrient loss. Despite this, white rice is favored for its improved taste. It also boasts better preservation and a longer shelf life.

Rice is primarily composed of carbohydrates, mainly starch. Consuming a large amount of rice can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Therefore, individuals with diabetes and hyperglycemia should moderate their rice intake.

These are facts about white rice, but there is no need to panic, normal intake of rice will not cause harm to the body.


This article shares fascinating facts about rice. You may have realized that rice offers more than just being a food staple—it has many intriguing aspects.

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