ANONSelf-propelled chilli harvester: Troubleshooting Maintenance

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Congratulations on your purchase of the ANON Self-Propelled walking chilli harvester machine!
This innovative harvesting tool is set to revolutionize your chili pepper farming operations.
To help you make the most of this remarkable machine, we have prepared a comprehensive user guide.
Read on to discover how to use the ANON machine effectively and optimize your chili pepper harvest.

How to check for faults that occur during use of this machine

Familiarize Yourself with the Controls: Before getting started, take the time to familiarize yourself with the machine’s controls.
Locate the control panel or interface and understand the various buttons, switches, and indicators.
Refer to the user manual provided by the manufacturer for detailed instructions on operating the machine.
Conduct Pre-Operation Checks: Before each use, conduct a thorough inspection of the machine.
Check for any visible damage, loose components, or signs of wear. Ensure that all safety features are functional and in place.
Inspect the harvesting mechanism, sensors, and gripping mechanisms to ensure they are clean and free from any obstructions or debris.
Adjust the Machine to Field Conditions: The ANON Self-propelled chilli harvester offers adaptability to various field conditions.
Adjust the machine’s settings to suit your specific requirements.
Set the appropriate walking speed and step length based on the crop density and row spacing in your field. Ensure that the machine is properly aligned for optimal performance.
Monitor the Harvesting Process: During operation, closely monitor the machine’s progress.
Observe the computer vision system as it identifies ripe chili peppers.
Ensure that the selective picking mechanism is functioning correctly, leaving behind unripe peppers for future harvests.
Keep an eye on the machine’s performance indicators to ensure smooth operation.

ANON Self-propelled chilli harvester

Harvester after-sales service and maintenance

Clean and Clear Obstructions: Inspect the machine for any debris, plant residue, or foreign objects that may be obstructing its operation.
Clean the harvesting mechanism, sensors, and gripping components to ensure smooth and unhindered movement.
Removing obstructions can often resolve issues related to improper gripping or picking.
Calibrate Sensors and Settings: If the machine’s sensors or settings appear to be inaccurate or misaligned, consider calibrating them.
Consult the user manual for instructions on sensor calibration procedures.
Adjust the machine’s settings, such as picking sensitivity or gripping strength, to optimize its performance for your specific field conditions.
Contact Manufacturer Support: If the issue persists or if you encounter an unfamiliar problem, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer’s support team.
They possess expertise in diagnosing and resolving complex issues related to the ANON Self-propelled chilli harvester.
Provide them with detailed information about the failure and follow their guidance for further troubleshooting or potential service requirements.
Regular Maintenance and Servicing: Preventive maintenance is crucial to minimize failures and ensure the long-term performance of the machine.
Adhere to the recommended maintenance schedule outlined in the user manual.
Regularly inspect and lubricate moving parts, replace worn components, and perform routine checks to identify any potential issues before they escalate.

Maintaining Your ANON Self-propelled chilli harvester: Best Practices

Proper maintenance is essential for maximizing the performance, longevity, and reliability of your ANON Self-Propelled chilli harvester machine.
By following a regular maintenance routine, you can prevent potential issues, minimize downtime, and ensure optimal operation.
In this guide, we will outline the best practices for maintaining your machine effectively.

Read the User Manual: Start by thoroughly reading the user manual provided by the manufacturer.
Familiarize yourself with the specific maintenance requirements and recommendations for your ANON Self-propelled chilli harvester model.
The user manual will provide valuable insights into the machine’s components, lubrication points, maintenance intervals, and step-by-step instructions for routine maintenance tasks.
Clean the Machine Regularly: After each use, clean the machine to remove any debris, dirt, or plant residue that may have accumulated.
Pay special attention to the harvesting mechanism, gripping components, sensors, and conveyors.
Use a soft brush or compressed air to dislodge any stubborn particles.
Avoid using excessive water or harsh chemicals that may damage sensitive components.
Lubricate Moving Parts: Proper lubrication of moving parts is crucial for smooth operation and preventing premature wear.
Consult the user manual to identify the lubrication points on your machine.
Use the recommended lubricants and apply them according to the specified intervals. Regularly check and replenish the grease or oil levels as required.
Inspect and Replace Worn Parts: Perform regular visual inspections of the machine’s components to identify any signs of wear or damage.
Check belts, chains, blades, and other critical parts for signs of fraying, cracks, or excessive wear.
Replace any worn or damaged parts promptly to prevent further complications and ensure optimal machine performance.

Chilli harvester after-sales service and maintenance

Calibrate Sensors and Settings: Maintain accurate performance by periodically calibrating the machine’s sensors and settings.
Environmental factors and usage can affect the calibration over time.
Follow the instructions provided in the user manual to recalibrate the sensors, picking sensitivity, and other relevant settings.
This will optimize the chilli harvester ability to identify and selectively harvest ripe chili peppers.
Check and Tighten Connections: Regularly inspect all electrical and mechanical connections to ensure they are secure.
Vibrations during operation can cause connections to loosen over time, leading to electrical or operational issues.
Tighten any loose connections and verify that cables and wiring are properly routed and protected from potential damage.
Follow Recommended Maintenance Schedule: Adhere to the recommended maintenance schedule outlined in the user manual.
This schedule includes routine tasks such as filter replacements, belt tension adjustments, and system checks.
Regularly perform these maintenance tasks to prevent breakdowns, ensure optimal performance, and extend the machine’s lifespan.
Seek Professional Servicing: If you encounter complex issues or require specialized maintenance, it is advisable to seek professional servicing from authorized technicians.
They possess the expertise, tools, and knowledge to perform in-depth inspections, repairs, and adjustments.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for authorized service centers or contact their support team for guidance.


The above is what ANON has explained to you about our platform’s self-propelled chilli harvester products.
Includes post-purchase user guide, machine debugging and maintenance services.
If your farmland needs to use such a combine harvester,
You can come to our platform to learn more about agricultural harvester equipment.
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I believe we will provide you with a satisfactory solution.