The characteristics of the winnowing machine are suitable for sorting rice, corn, wheat, grain, sunflower seeds, various beans, tea, tobacco, medicinal materials, etc.
ANON Grain Washing Air Separator

- suitable for sorting rice, corn, wheat, grain, sunflower seeds, various beans, tea, tobacco, medical herbs etc.
- widely used infeed processing, plant harvesting classification, food processing, crop cleaning, seeds selection, brewing farming.

- can work in the house or outside , it is the really great helper to farmers.
- manual hand crank is a nice backup when electricity is not available or it is very convenient, farmers can use it with or without electricity.
- easy and safe operation, high portability and efficiency. Famers do not need any professional knowledge.
- and the price is very cheap for those small farmers.

- Advantages of grain winnowing machine
- Impurities, dust and debris can be removed from the grain.
- Can improve the quality of grain.
- Can extend the shelf life of grains.
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